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Canadian Flag by Alex Indigo

What You Need To Know About The Canadian Government’s Registration Program For Canadians Overseas

The Canadian government offers a helpful registration service for Canadians abroad. It's called the Registration of Canadians Abroad (ROCA) service (I guess they don't pay government employees to come up with catchy titles). ROCA can be used in two ways: 1) to inform you of an emergency at home, and 2) to contact you with urgent information and advice in case of an emergency. Practically, this means that the Canadian government can contact you if there's a major issue at your destination, such as civil unrest, or an earthquake or other natural disaster.

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Eye Opening

Over Half of Canadians Don’t Purchase Travel Insurance: Surveys

Recent surveys from three major Canadian travel insurance providers have all revealed one shocking conclusion: A large number of Canadians don't purchase travel insurance before leaving on a trip. Surprisingly, a large number of young Canadians believe, quite wrongly, that their Canadian provincial health coverage will cover them when they leave the province. What they don't realize is that depending on where they're going, that amount might not even cover the tax.

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Is My Pre-Existing Condition Covered Under My Travel Insurance?

If you have a pre-existing medical condition, you've likely wondered if you'd be covered by your travel insurance company. Travel insurance can be a complicated beast, and if you're confused by pre-existing coverage, you're not alone. You're in luck, though, as we're going to clear the air about travel insurance and pre-existing conditions.

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Travel Insurance Quote Checklist

Travel Insurance Quote Checklist

Have a trip coming up and thinking of getting some travel insurance? Here are some key questions to ask when getting a travel insurance quote. Travel insurance can be pretty complex, so this checklist is designed to help you ask some of the most important questions to help keep your finances safe, and your trip worry-free.

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